The Divine Family of three Divine persons who created and owned living creatures, included the earth and human race, and all things throughout universe revealed throughout Bible contents, specified regard double natural of female soul as fully Almighty God and fully human, Queen of universe, and Head of Divine Kingdom who permanently hold ownership specified on Genesis chapters 1, 2 & 3, John 14:15 & 19:26-27, Rev. Chapters 12 & 11 & 19:11-16 & 22:12-13
Messiah and Queen of Universe are two human souls, male and female created by Almighty Master of universe and from himself. It made these two souls fully Almighty God and fully human.
Queen of Universe is Head of Divine Kingdom holds ownership of legal and physical custody of the earth land, sea and airspace. She is Head of throughout the world.
The Queen of the universe provides supernatural power to create all things. She is on earth carry out ongoing creation of the earth and human race
Haiti country revising to Haitian City, merge in Dominican Republic country, under the Dominican Republic’s constitution and government legislative branch passed laws. Ending war globally, focus on Russia war on Ukraine and protection Palestine life, end terrorist attacks and Israeli forces on West Bank region. October 13, 1917, Fatima, Portugal Sun dancing on sky miracle high power manifesting on earth realm Dominican Republic country
The "genuine" active-duty US Army General Austin Scott Miller, final top commander of United States Force and NATO resolute support Mission in Afghanistan. Who predestined portrayal Messiah Jesus fully man ALIVE predestined as top World countries all branches military.
Dominican Republic citizen Luis Abinader’s soul predestined as global regions Executives Governing Boards’ chairmen’s Chairman.
Rose vs. Wade ruled by the United States Supreme Court Order assassinations million and millions of unborn children, vanished these unborn children opportunity became human on earth to earn good deed.
The point is as the Master of universe’s supernatural power force manifested in human language spoke to my voice. I had no control of what his forces through my whole being! Because as only female soul he created from himself, along with only one male soul of my older brother Jesus Messiah, two of us don’t have free will. Our free will is our Divine Father free will. It makes me as Queen of universe, and my Divine Soul holding legal owner and have physical custody of the earth land, all thing above, below and on earth including all living creatures.
All things spoke on the video are reality in high power realm, and they will come down on earthly for people to see with their carnal eyes and physical feeling, such as physical diseases and mental illnesses
U.S. Voters and taxpayers are responsible and liable that must pay damages result from their votes and tax dollars
THE ALMIGHTY MASTER OF UNIVERSE ORDER DIVINE QUEEN OF UNIVERSE TO IMMEDIATE ENFORCES THE FOLLOWING: JUSTICE FOR ALL in the United States government and all countries in the world: At any time, federal employees of all positions in non-military, and ranks in military committed high crimes, PROHIBITS RECEIVES BENEFITS.
The Almighty Master of Universe Ordered of His existence actions of purifying the whole earth, specified the U. S. and two continents Africa and Europe.
You must watch the video to save yourself from serious punishments upon this world. It specified the last days on earth for changes to New Earth coming out of Heaven.
U.S. Congress, White House, DOJ, Department of States ‘s leaders COMMITED TREASON CRIMES led by Matt Gaetz, Joseph Biden, Mark Milley, Lloyd Austin, and Atony Blinken’s Evidence. They bought FBI agency/DOJ leaders
USTICE FOR ALL in the United States government and all countries in the world: At any time, federal employees of all positions in non-military, and ranks in military committed high crimes, PROHIBITS RECEIVES BENEFITS. The Federal government required counting each and all soldiers deployed overseas by name, and bringing all of them back any time they needed to return home, and after deployment terms. In whole, wounded or in body bags from the cost of taxpayers. Prohibited government and government officials of uniform and non-uniform charge or collect money from soldiers and the families, next of kin. Any violation is a federal high crime.
Matthew 22:20-21 Return to God what belongs to God. “He said to them, “Whose image is this and whose inscription?” They replied, “Caesar’s.”* At that he said to them, “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.”
Genesis 1: 26-27 God created second generation human souls’ male and female, after Master of universe created two soul, male and female of first generation from himself. “Then God said: Let us make* human beings in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tame animals, all the wild animals, and all the creatures that crawl on the earth. God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female* he created them.”
During the Roman Catholic Church’s confession people fed priests with destructive Satan called devil spiritual foods! Added to the Celibacy vow were purposes of destructive devil power feeding clergymen souls and clergymen souls generated bad spirits operating through clergymen whole being. Celibacy clergymen sex abusive continue if the Roman Catholic Church didn’t terminate Confession Sacrament. Beyond, the Roman Catholic Church’s required clergymen celibacy vow against the Creation Laws.
ULTIMATUM OF TEN COMMANDMENTS APPLY TO NEW EARTH CAME OUT OF HEAVEN Rev. 21:1-5 “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, God’s dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with them and they will be his people* and God himself will always be with them [as their God].* He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, [for] the old order has passed away.” The one who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”
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Check out this great video ENDING U. S. Federal employees of all steal American taxpayers dollars, Federal judges issued orders based on federal employees fraud and lying for stop returned American citizens funds, stop wars, and White House, Pentagon, and Department of State’s top leaders ordered CIA orchestrated assassination Army Commanders for their political goals.
Testified based on Evidence Showed Joseph Biden and his administration Committed High Crimes. War Crime Victim's Spouse
This video was live streaming conducted on Tuesday May 17, 2022, without the Divine Divine Messenger of Covenant Madam Mariette Do-Nguyen know of her Divine older brother Messiah announced of "He ordered country of Russia immediate withdraw its force from Ukraine, and completed end war against Ukraine. Also punished Russian taxpayers, country of Russia and its top leaders penalties of 100 trillion Euro. Check out this great video
The Master of Universe said, “the dream was revelation revealed, Kingdom of Heaven’s Prince Army General, top Commander worldwide countries military, and global regions Chairman of Executive governing countries boards chairmen! It existence in high power realm of they arrived San Diego. The limousine journey is your Queen of Universe, Head of all countries on earth and your spouse future journey until your completion of created human race and the earth.” Father referred to you and President Abinader.
MASTER OF UNIVERSE’S ULTIMATUM, September 17, 2023, about Speaker McCarthy, top Commander in Afghanistan active-duty General Austin Scott Miller’s Divine Family Royal status.
Governments forced wrong laws on people, television broadcasting, games and magazines forced serious bad / evil spiritual foods on the global public. It caused the government various positions and ranks repeatedly lying to people, causing wars, violences, and terrorists' activities. This video contained genuine teaching never before on earth, for immediate real changes of feeding global public serious good spirituals foods benefiting souls and physical beings, earning good deeds, good health eternity.
Brigadier General Donald Wood, D. C. I. S. and 8 American soldiers murdered by Afghan officials involved American CIA operatives.
Lying spirit operates everywhere in this world lied to everyone.
Parents required learned, live your life correctly and children folloings.
Mental Healthy origin and revolving operate in high power. The invisible realm of where all things created before manifest on earthly realm visible to human carnal eyes; but can sensing by spiritual individuals.
Doctors and people only found out after mental illnesses already manifested on earthly realm. This video is hone hours and 35 minutes. I based on three revelations, two revelations given to the top Commander of U. S. force and NATO in Afghanistan, 4-star Army General Austin Scott Miller
Real story of federal crime victims Right Benefits never enforced
Section 3771 of Title 18 of US Code
Unqualified United Nations officials! U. S. federal government officials and Central Bank of Benin (BCEAO Benin)
Lazy and unqualified United States and United Nation Officials! Benin country and BCEAO Benin, President Talon, cooperated with American CIA operatives Stolen US citizens funds.
U. S. federal government officials and Bank of Ghana governor involved felony crimes.
U. S. federal government officials and Bank of Ghana governor involved felony crimes.
San Diego, California, USA
Majesty Queen of Universe Mariette Do-Nguyen (aka Do-Miller),Head of Divine Kingdom revealed throughout the Bible, especially the Book of Revelations, Genesis 1:26-27, John 14:15 & John 19:26-27, Rev. Chapters 12 & 11 & Rev. 19:11-16 & Rev. 22:12-13.
Genuine meaning of scriptures revealed and recorded throughout the Holy Bible, along with the relationship between South African predestined Prophet Benjamin Zuga, Pope Francis’ personal Secretary theology Doctor Aemiluis Gonzalo and the Queen of Universe, Majesty Mariette Do-Nguyen.
The first three chapters 1, 2, 1m3 of the Book of Genesis revealed and recorded, Messiah fully Almighty God, who incarnated as fully human Jesus’ soul, and Queen of Universe fully Almighty God, who incarnated as Majesty Mariette Do-Nguyen’ soul were co-Creators of the earth, all thing above, below, on earth, included all living creatures and human race souls and physical bodies, specified focus on Genesis 1; 26-27, and Almighty Master explained to Majesty Mariette Do-Nguyen on October 17, 2023 means the two fully human souls male of Jesus and female soul of Majesty Mariette Do-Nguyen created way long before creation of the earth and common race human race souls. The Master of universe vested the creation of the Earth and common human race blueprint to the Messiah and Queen of universe’s souls, for they did all creations. The Almighty Master of universe only created two souls, male Jesus, and female Queen of universe Mariette Do-Nguyen from himself. Due to the substance of creation the two souls male Jesus and female Majesty Do-Nguyen, were the Almighty Master of universe Divine body, it made the two souls of Jesus and Majesty Mariette Do-Nguyen fully Almighty God and fully human.
“Then God said: Let us make* human beings in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the tame animals, all the wild animals, and all the creatures that crawl on the earth. God created man kind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female* he created them.”
After received creations of the earth and human race on earth, Jesus as Messiah and Majesty Mariette Do-Nguyen as Queen of universe created the earth, all things above, below and on earth, all living creatures included human race Royal and Common race from their fully Almighty God supernatural power, which also in one with Almighty Master of universe. The Messiah and Queen of universe only actually did all creations services.
The above genuine meanings of the facts recorded creations of the earth and human race, along with Jesus as Messiah transferred his half of all creation ownership to his younger sister, Majesty Mariette Do-Nguyen’s soul before his physical body left the surface of the earth. He spoke symbolism in the language of used natural occurrences that revealed the future comes on earth, The transferring declaration recorded in John 19;26-27, “Woman, behold, your son.” and, “Behold, your mother.”
Immediately after Jesus the Messiah finished the “Woman, behold, your son.” and, “Behold, your mother.” The whole Almighty Master of universe’s estate is beneficiary owned by Queen of universe Majesty Mariette Do-Nguyen. The above earth and human race creations and half of the Master of universe’s estate transferred to Majesty Mariette Divine soul, she immediately legally hold sole ownership of the Almighty Master of universe, whose permanent position in the Divine Kingdom and throughout the universe is Head of Divine Kingdom.
The above and many more throughout old and new testaments revealed and record before Messiah as Jesus left the surface of the earth Book of Revelations chapters 12 and 11; 19: 11-16 and 22:13 were “another” Advocate John 15:26.
All the above creation the Almighty Master of universe predestined Benjamin Zuga as genuine Prophet in place of John Baptist. The Master of universe appears and speaks in human language some time symbolism language to Prophet Benjamin Zuga.
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